We're here to assist you

We are here to help if you have any questions about our Deepwell Cargo Pumps for product and chemical tankers. 


Lars Bo Kirkegaard
Sales Director, Energy



+45 2761 4741

Pump Types for every need

We offer different types of electric driven cargo pumps for product and chemical tankers, which have been designed based on our extensive experience in the marine industry and thoroughly tested in our unique in-house testing tower at our facility in Aalborg, Denmark


Electric-driven cargo pumps provide an immediate opportunity to lower costs, comply with stringent regulations, enhance crew living standards, and strengthen your company’s competitive position in the market.

The DL and DW pumps cover capacity ranges from 30 m3/h to 500 m3/h, while the CKL pump range covers a higher range of capacity from 500 m3/h, up to 1800 m3/h. Each pump type consists of:


Electric motor

The electric motor is explosion-proof and weatherproof for safe installation on-deck. The deck arrangement includes base arrange-ment, integrated lubricating oil tank, upper drive shaft bearing, purging, and stripping connections.


Pipe stack

The pipe stack consists of a cargo pipe and an oilfilled drive shaft column with slide bearings. The oil lubricated bearings are held in position by flexible O-rings. The transmission shaft is made of carbon steel alloy.

Pump head

The fully casted pump head has a double mechanical shaft seal, stainless steel shaft, and a ball bearing arrangement. The coffer- dam between the two mechanical shaft seals has pipe connections to deck for purging. The casing wear rings are easily accessible.


Additional components

Upon request we offer additional pump components such as a hydraulically-driven portable pump, ballast pumps, multisuction solution for DW and an automatic stripping system for DL and CKL.

Our unique electrical handling system ensures you

  • Our electric deepwell cargo pump system generally offers higher efficiency, using less energy to achieve the same tasks. This results in reduced energy consumption and lower operational costs.

  • Our electrical system requires less main-tenance, leading to reduced costs and down-time, and extending the equipment's lifespan.

  • Our electric cargo pump system produces significantly fewer greenhouse gas emissions compared to hydraulic systems, making it a more environmentally friendly choice.

  • Operating more quietly than hydraulic systems, our electrical system minimizes noise, which is beneficial in noise-sensitive environments.

  • The electric deepwell cargo pump system integrates seamlessly with other onboard systems, offering greater flexibility in operation and monitoring.

  • By eliminating the risk of hydraulic fluid leaks, our electric system improves overall safety and reduces environmental contamination risks.

  • Our electric cargo pump system is designed to meet future environmental regulations, offering 11-25% less power consumption and fuel savings, along with significantly lower CO2 emissions compared to hydraulic alternatives.



We’re here to assist and advise owners, builders, design companies etc. from the project start. Don’t hestistate to get in touch with our sales team to discover more about our solutions for Product & Chemial carriers.


Lars Bo Kirkegaard

Sales Director, Energy

+45 2761 4741


Claus Mark Hyttel

Sales Manager, Energy

+45 51846555


