Your partner for the zero carbon transition


As a global leading specialist in solutions for handling critical cryogenic liquids, Svanehøj is set to make a difference and take pride in having the knowledge and solutions to develop a fast transition to a greener tomorrow.




At Svanehøj, we proudly say that we have the expertise, the solutions, and the potential to help facilitate the green energy transition in the hard to-abate sectors. By conducting a Product Impact Assessment, we have calculated our contribution to decarbonization in the maritime sector to show that we are already making a significant difference today.


The volume of carbon emissions are expected to be avoided from vessels equipped with Svanehøj fuel pumps delivered in 2023.


The Product Impact Assessment shows the total contribution to decarbonization from the supply of DW Fuel Pumps to operating vessels in 2023. The calculation is based on vessel type, size, and fuel type as stated in our reference list of delivered fuel pumps, combined with vessel specifications, data, and voyage assumptions from Clarksons Research, the world's largest shipping services provider, and carbon (CO2) emission factors from European Union regulations. As vessels, and Svanehøj’s pump solutions, typically have a lifetime of 20-35 years, the assessment is based on a 25-year lifetime period.


Currently, we can conduct calculations for 65% of our reference list matched with the relevant vessel specification, data, and voyage assumptions. Consequently, we have chosen to extrapolate the result for our complete reference list. The missing data will be available in the future, and we will update our product impact assessment on a yearly basis with the newest and most applicable data sets.


LNG and LPG fueled vessels ordered in 2023 with Svanehøj DW Fuel Pumps are expected to achieve an overall lifetime (25 years) saving of 33.96M tons of CO2 compared to similar vessels with HFO propulsion.

The result in 2022 was 38.8M tons of CO2. Despite a 30% increase in fuel pump sales, the overall contribution to decarbonization from our DW fuel pumps decreased from 2022 to 2023.


This decline is attributable to a change in the composition of ship types, specifically, LPG carriers, which have a relatively low reduction potential from fuel transition, and container vessels, which have a relatively high reduction potential. Consequently, in 2023, fuel pumps for LPG carriers constituted a more significant proportion of total sales than in 2022, while fuel pumps for container vessels comprised a smaller proportion.


The 33.96M tons of CO2 that our fuel pumps prevent from being released into the atmosphere is equivalent to the CO2 emissions from 29 container vessels (15.000 TEU) running on HFO and operating for 25 years (350 operating days per year). With approx. 6,000 container vessels globally, the transition towards greener fuels in shipping is a key enabler in reducing carbon emissions.


The current calculations are based on LNG/LPG. Given that DW fuel pumps are fully compatible with e-fuels such as green ammonia, methanol, and hydrogen, the impact on CO2 reduction will rise significantly according to the development and supply of e-fuels.


Engage to Sustain is our framework for implementing ESG targets and initiatives, and serves as our roadmap towards 2025.


Based on the five chosen SDGs and the results of our Materiality Assessment, we divided our ESG efforts into eight ESG targets across the focus areas “People”, “Planet”, “Solutions”, and “Supply Chain”. We identified these four areas based on our materiality assessment and with inspiration from The Triple Bottom Line sustainability framework of profit, people, and the planet.


  • Zero health & safety incidents from 2023.


    We aim to attract and retain our talent base by establishing Svanehøj Academy Entry and Svanehøj Excellence programs by 2024. With the first enrollments in 2025.


  • 50% reduction in Scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions per mDKK in 2025 relative to our baseline year in 2021. Read our report on Scope 1 & 2 here. 


    We establish a Scope 3 GHG emission baseline year by 2023 and ensure that 25% of all strategic suppliers are calculating their Scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions in accordance with the GHG Protocol by 2025.


  • >95% of R&D investments support our mindset of Powering a Better Future consecutively up to 2025.


    Establish take-back program of used pumps for the intent of reuse, recycle or responsible end-of-life treatment by 2024 for all products.


  • Establish a Svanehøj supplier program by 2024 and ensure that all new suppliers, and 15% of existing strategic suppliers, are compliant with the program from 2025.


    Ensure and establish bestin- business manufacturing facilities in current and potential new operating areas measured by productivity, diversity, and workplace satisfaction.


5 selected SDGs and Why

As part of our work with the SDGs, we have launched an internal education and awareness campaign on the selected SDGs to inspire action and ensure a shared understanding of our sustainability efforts within the organization. This is not just a one-time campaign but will be repeated for existing and new employees.

SDG 7 – Affordable and clean energy

As a designer, manufacturer, and supplier of a wide range of solutions and applications for cargo and energy pumps that can facilitate the transition to green energy in our industry, we want to help minimize climate change and ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. Our products and solutions strengthen the green transition to a cleaner and more sustainable energy industry.

SDG 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth 

At Svanehøj, we want to create a responsible, inclusive, and attractive workplace. We do this by ensuring proper jobs and good conditions for our employees. In doing so, we promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth for our business, employees, and shareholders.

SDG 9 – Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

As a producer of pumping solutions for fuel and cryogenic energy cargo supply, we are committed to building resilient infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and fostering innovation in the industry, in particular, regarding new green technologies.

SDG 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production

As a market leader, we demand of ourselves in our green transition that we ensure sustainable and responsible consumption and production patterns by implementing new supply chain protocols and supplier audits.

SDG 13 – Climate Action 

We want to reduce our negative impact on our surrounding environment and the climate as a whole. Starting from our own operations, we are mapping our entire value chain to support our climate action. Additionally, we are developing and supplying solutions that allow customers to reduce their energy use and related greenhouse gas emissions.

Want to read the full ESG report?

If you want to learn more about how we work with our ESG targets, please find our full ESG report here.